The Logistics of Setting up a group
For many years we met only fortnightly, particularly due to creche worker shortage. More recently we have started meeting in the in-between weeks too, but without a creche or teaching session, just a social catch up which has been popular and encourages mums to keep the morning booked each week.
9:15 Team to arrive to set up creche, hospitality
Mums with little ones start to arrive to settle kids in creche and chat
coffee time for mums in a separate room from the creche
session starts: welcome, introductions, an ice-breaker, topic and discussion time
session finishes, continuing chats with mums after they have collected kids from creche, clear up
Young mums appreciate having at least one older mum in the team.
It is also helpful to have a large team if possible, so there is plenty of time to chat and listen to mums whilst some on the team are setting up, serving coffee and cake, looking after kids, clearing up, as the individual support time before and after the session is vital to building trusting relationships.

Team Job List
Creche workers: DBS checked
Administration: legal registration requirements and payments
Setting up: creche, coffee and cake, mums’ area
Clearing up
All creche workers should be trusted members of the church, DBS checked according to government requirements. Your creche might have a specific leader and you might want to include a Bible story, songs and craft, depending on the age of the children and the resources of the creche team.
‘let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’Matthew 19:14.
Gospel seeds can be sown!
It is an incredibly lovely touch to make the mums feel special and loved by providing a relaxing and beautiful space for them to relax. This does not mean you have to have an amazing venue, it simply means paying attention to detail eg flowers and candles on the table, the coffee area, the welcome desk etc.
Use of a diffuser or burner with lavender oil. Pretty plates and mugs and serviettes, tablecloth.
Relaxing background music during coffee time.
Welcome to Mum Space signs.
Homemade cakes, either provided by church members or on a rota basis with the mums.
It really does make a difference and mums sigh with relief when they come in, knowing they can relax and rest for a short space of time, be heard and supported. All this plus gently given life giving seeds of truth scattered amongst the parenting advice!
Evangelism and Outreach Examples
At the end of the first term, eg the Autumn Term, we have a Christmas dinner in the evening. Everyone brings something.
The room is beautifully decorated with attention to detail and perhaps a small Christmas gift. (Sometimes church members have made something for the mums).
Make it fun too with a Christmas quiz, silly games and prizes. Provide a short evangelistic talk during pudding or coffee and invite mums to carol services.
The last day session of the term can also be gently evangelistic. We have made Christmas wreaths, which the mums love. Whilst they are creative, a short talk can be given on the symbolism of the wreath (see Christmas wreath talk).
At Easter we have made Easter Gardens, with an explanatory talk on the purpose of the cross.
At the end of each term, one or both of these can be done, related to the season.
When you feel it is appropriate in your group, you may want to begin to offer a bible study for anyone who is interested. This may come after an evangelistic event, or as a run up to Christmas or Easter, to investigate what their significance is. Or perhaps after these events.
We have used Uncover John and Christianity Explored. You could also use Wonderfully Made. There are many other resources that your church might use too.
Some mums would prefer a one to one Bible study so that they can share and discuss more personally. Some mums would find that too intense and a group study would be preferable.
Online evening Bible studies can work well or in person day time groups, preferably with a creche, yet it is still possible without a creche.
If your church runs a children’s holiday club, this is a great activity to suggest to mums looking for things to do in the summer holidays. Or Light parties, Christmas parties, summer fun days etc.
Creative events are always a winner too eg Christmas and Easter wreaths, chocolate making, card making, make-up events, Christmas pudding etc….be adventurous!
God will multiply even our limited abilities, be creative.