
to Mum Space

green leaves
a church-based mums' support group reaching into the community
parenting advice and support
a Christian bridge-building outreach
reflecting God's love and care
gently showing wisdom and truth from the Bible and by Christian witness

What is Mum Space

Mum Space is a mums' support group reflecting Christ's love, though care, support, friendship, parenting advice and opportunity to show what the Christian faith is all about. Not forgetting the very popular provision of a creche for much needed 'mum' space and calm.

The story behind Mum Space

Mum Space has been of such value in our church that I wanted to share the idea and the resources so its benefits can multiply. The mums greatly benefitted from coming together to discuss ideas and concerns and it opened much needed opportunities to talk about faith.

flowers flowers flowers

Parenting Topics

Up to date resources on varied topics, discussion questions and relevant pointers from the Bible. There is a backbone of parenting essentials, supported by a ‘toolbox’ of practical parenting techniques which can be chosen and used as desired. All the material has been carefully checked to follow Biblical truth

Examples of Parenting Topics

All sessions are free and ready to use. They come with ice-breakers, discussion questions, relevant Bible verses and handouts.

What mums say

"I am not religious but I never realized how relevant the Bible was."